Robert Louis Stevenson :"Noorus on aeg rännata maailma ühest otsast teise nii mõttes kui ka tegelikkuses; järele proovida erinevate rahvaste kombeid; kuulata, kuidas kell südaöötundi lööb; näha päikesetõusu nii linnas kui ka maal; taassünni kaudu muutuda; vaielda ja targutada; kirjutada kohmakaid värsse; joosta terve miil, et tulekahju näha, ning oodata päev otsa teatris, et aplodeerida “Hernanile”."
Love your profile I write and maintain a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it. I didn’t see a follow wedgit on this site, but if you put one up...I will gladly follow you publicly as well. If you wish, click on “dashboard” on the top right of you main blog…then click on “add a gadget” on the left side column…scroll down and click on “Follow” widget and follow directions.
Love your profile
ReplyDeleteI write and maintain a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.
I didn’t see a follow wedgit on this site, but if you put one up...I will gladly follow you publicly as well.
If you wish, click on “dashboard” on the top right of you main blog…then click on “add a gadget” on the left side column…scroll down and click on “Follow” widget and follow directions.